Project details
1 out of 5Easyno electrical experience is required, but you must carefully follow the installation instructions to ensure sound, long-lasting electrical connections
$500 and up, depending on style, quality and number of light fixtures chosen
Estimated Time
4 to 8 hours, for average-size installation
In this video, This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook and Mark Piantedosi install landscape lighting for a front walkway.
- Mount the 120-volt transformer to the house wall, preferably behind a shrub to make the transformer less noticeable.
- Stretch the low-voltage cable from the transformer to each light fixture.
- Install a ground stake onto the stem (shaft) of each light fixture.
- Strip the ends of the cable and fixture wires, then twist them together to make two connections.
- Slide brass connectors over each wire connection, then tighten the connector with a hex-key wrench.
- To ensure watertight connections, slip heat-treated tubing over the brass connectors, then use a propane torch to seal the tubing.
- Push the sealed wire connections up into the hollow stem of the light fixture.
- Firmly push the light fixture’s stake deep into the ground.
- Use square-blade shovel to cut a narrow trench from one light fixture to the next.
- Leave an extra 2 feet of cable at each fixture. Push the cable down into the trench.
- Install lamps (light bulbs) into each fixture and attach the shades.
- Connect the cable to the terminals inside the transformer, then screw the faceplate onto the transformer.
- Plug the transformer into a 120-volt receptacle.
- Flip on the switch and check to ensure that each fixture lights up.
Tools & Materials