Multiuse Panels
Those crisscrossed panels can do more than skirt a porch or hold up vines. Let them step out from their supporting role with these clever uses.
1. Edge a Flower Bed
Cut pressure-treated lattice panels into 8-inch-wide strips. Frame ends with lattice cap, or C-rail (a channeled edging for lattice). Coat with exterior paint. Attach stakes and install.
2. Paint a Pattern
Use lattice as a stencil for spraying on allover squares or diamonds.
3. Trim Furniture
Add detail to a plain table by attaching triangles of lattice in the corners. Place two lengths of 11 in each corner to act as braces behind the lattice, and fasten. Nail the lattice onto the corner braces. Paint as desired.
4. Use as Wainscoting
Cut panels where the lattice intersects to a typical wainscot height (about 36 inches). Set lattice on top of base molding and attach to the walls with nails and panel adhesive. Cap with rabbeted molding.
5. Store Garden Tools
Screw a rectangular piece of lattice onto two 2x4s and attach to the back of a shed door. Use zip ties as loops for hanging rakes, shovels, and other garden gear.
6. Get Building Materials Off The Ground
Make a right angle from two 2x4s and join them with a triangular piece of lattice to form a bracket. Screw brackets into the wall, spaced a few feet apart. Slide pipes and molding through the openings.
7. Fashion a Pot Rack
Frame a piece of sturdy lattice with 2x4s. Screw eye hooks into ceiling joists and into the wood frame. Connect the eye hooks with chain. Attach S-hooks to the lattice to hang light pots.
8. Make a Memento Board
Cut a piece of plywood to size and cover it with batting and fabric. Secure with a staple gun. Tack a piece of lattice on top with brad nails. Tuck paint swatches and the like into the openings.
9. Create a Decorative Inlay
Layer painted lattice over a glass or mirrored panel in a cabinet door.
10. Make a Trivet
Cover a square of lattice with heat-resistant paint and use it to protect your countertop from hot pots and pans.