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In this video, This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows a quick, easy way to seed and resuscitate a sickly looking lawn.
1. Fill the hopper of the slice seeder with the appropriate seed for your region.
2. Set the gauge on the seeder to drop the correct amount of seed.
3. Run the slice seeder back and forth across the lawn in slightly overlapping passes. Be careful not to miss any spots.
4. After seeding the entire yard, run the slice seeder around the perimeter of the lawn to catch any areas you may have missed.
5. Refill the hopper with seed, then seed the lawn again. Only this time run the slice seeder perpendicular to the first passes, ensuring total seeding.
6. After completely the second pass over the entire lawn, run the slice seeder around the perimeter of the yard one more time.
7. Use a walk-behind drop spreader to apply a starter fertilizer to the lawn.
8. After fertilizing, water the lawn well.