
I don’t believe this tackle box meets the electrical code in any state or province.
Alden Gibson
Inspections by Gibson
Breslau, Ontario
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Shower of Sparks

Taking showers in front of an electrical panel box is not recommended.
Thomas Sanson
National Property Inspections
Rochester, N.Y.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Spouting Off

What was the builder thinking ending the downspout right above the electrical panel? After 15 years, guess what the inside of this panel looked like.
Scott Stegall
Carolina HomePro Inspections
Rock Hill, S.C.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Totally Tubular

This is a great use for an old bicycle inner tube…at least they’re recycling: This is a steam pipe in a 4-unit apartment building.
Stuart Keeshin
Keeshin Inspection Services
Chicago, Ill.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter

This shows a hammer wedged between the copper supply line and boiler feed line at the basement sub-floor to help reduce water hammer, that banging sound caused by air in the pipes. Who knew a hammer could eliminate water hammer? All these years, I thought they were only good for nailing.
Eric Mills
E&E Inspect
Oreland, Pa.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Riveting Patch Job

That sheet metal should hold up the rafters at least until we get it sold! This house had an attic fire and was supposedly repaired. The whole roof will have to be rebuilt again.
Alvin C. Miller
Hawkeye Home Inspections, LLC
Wellman, Iowa
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Nice Doggie

The seller kindly left the dog in the back yard during the inspection, with me all alone. I was supposed to talk sweetly to it. It did not work, and I did not enter.
Brandon Dyles
Picture Perfect Inspections
Bartlett, Tenn.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter

Whoops! Who moved the house?
Bill Camosci
National Property Inspections of Central CT, Inc.
Cromwell, Conn.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Now, That Really is a Throne

Basement toilet seat is approximately 48″ above the floor. Hand rails are recommended.
Steve Anderson
Anderson AmeriSpec
Germantown, Tenn.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Ribbit, Ribbit

Try as I might, I haven’t been able to find a reference for frogs in the National Electrical Code.
Bryant Warren
HouseMaster Inspections
Broken Arrow, Okla.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
If You Tilt Your Head, It Looks Fine

The real surprising thing about this garage was that they were still using it!
Rich Madore
Pillar To Post Home Inspections
Newington, Conn.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Coming Down Short

Fine downspout, but something seems to be missing!
David Grudzinski
Advantage Home Inspections
Cranston, R.I.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter

So, is the cottage cheese container holding up the shelf or is the shelf holding the cottage cheese container tight so sewer gas does not escape? Or is it both?
Dan Howard
Home Inspections by Dan Howard
Freeport, Pa.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Ranger Rick

Found: Ranger Rick. Watch it out there, guys and gals. This one wasn’t happy…
Dan Gartrell
Homestar Real Estate Services, Inc.
Gainesville, Va.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Quite a Doorstop

This doorstop also makes water. It actually is connected and I found it in the living room.
David Grudzinski
Advantage Home Inspections
Cranston, R.I.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
The Bathroom is Just Too Far

A poor man’s urinal.
Thomas Sansone
National Property Inspections
Rochester, N.Y.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
And POW! And BOOM!

This liquid propane tank is being used inside the house to operate a gas stove—a big no-no. WOW!
Andy Moore
American Heritage Home Inspection
Seminole, Fl
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
The 2×6 That Could

“Sure, we can put a window there! All we need to do is remove the post from under that big beam and then nail a 2×6 to the wall so the beam doesn’t fall down—and take the house with it.”
Dan Chapleski
True North Inspection Services
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
No Windy Days, Please

This old chimney needs to see a brick mason real soon!
Rich Madore
Pillar To Post Home Inspections
Newington, Conn.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Lots o’ Lint

Why screens on dryer vent backdraft dampers are frowned upon. I found this in a 3½-year-old house.
G. Gilbert Engler
Master Home Inspectors, Inc.
Annandale, Va.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
You Can’t Blame a Squirrel for Trying

During our unusually cold temps in January, this unfortunate squirrel thought that he’d be OK if he just went down the chimney and followed the source of the heat. He ended up inside the furnace cabinet and got caught between two sections.
Rick Michalicek
Moore Home Inspection Services
St. Louis, Mo.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Almost Vented

The waterfront home had recently been extensively remodeled. There is a new kitchen with top-of-the-line equipment. When I was in the attic, I found the vent pipe from the kitchen range hood not connected to the roof vent pipe. The home was built in 1968, and no building permits were issued for this work.
Bill Mason
Second Opinion Home Inspection
Venice, Fla.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Hot House

This gives a new meaning to a ‘hot’ house on the market! The furnace thermostat wire had shorted out on a new, still-vacant house, and this was the inside temperature reading I got. Laminate counter tops were de-laminating.
Alvin C. Miller
Hawkeye Home Inspections LLC
Wellman, Iowa
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Creative Plumbing Repair

These two photos came from the same house. I guess the homeowner didn’t trust his own plumbing repair (complete with doorknob and milk carton) and decided to do the dishes in the bathtub.
Chris W. McDougall
Apex Home Inspection
Santa Cruz, Calif.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Because It’s Illegal and Dangerous?

This is a car battery jumper cable attached to the main electric utility service line, wired to the electric panel for a house with no power. Why pay for electric service when you can do this?
Gary Kershaw
Pillar to Post
Philadelphia, Pa.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Duct Tape Strikes Again

“I lost the draft hood, but I’ve got plenty of duct tape…” It was one of many defects found in that home.
Arthur Pavis
Faro Systems, Inc.
Bethesda, Md.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Clearly Labeled

Do you think this is what the civic inspector had in mind when insisting that the electrical panel be labeled?
Kevin Hawes
Assured Home Inspections
Calgary, Alberta
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
What a Mess

Rust, corrosion, and a gaping hole in a vent pipe that angles downward (hot air rises, you know). Sometimes, you just have to wonder.
Clay Ridings
Preferred Home Inspections
Wilmington, Del.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter
Ol’ Faithful

This 100-gallon electric water heater was built in March of 1938 and is still delivering hot water like it was built yesterday! This is one of those treasures you run across every once in awhile.
Rich Madore
Pillar To Post Home Inspections
Newington, Conn.
All images courtesy of the ASHI Reporter