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Best 4 Pest Control Companies in Dubuque, IA

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Written By Jessica Hurtault|Last Updated: April 18, 2024

Like any place in the country, Dubuque residents deal with infestations of bed bugs and wasps. These nuisance critters can damage both health and houses, but licensed exterminators can help stop them in their tracks.

Below, find our list of the best pest control companies in Dubuque, who can help you handle any pest problem.

Best Overall
  • Serves more than 2.8 million customers annually
  • Nearly 100 years in business
  • Service guarantees in 46 states
Best for Urgent Service
  • Over a century of experience
  • Same-day service if you call before noon local time
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Best 4 Dubuque Pest Control Companies

Pest Detective Logo

Pest Detective

Based on 17 customer reviews.

Services Offered

FleasGeneral Pest ControlMiceAntsCockroachesPreventionWaspsSpidersBeetles


  • Lack of hidden fees
  • Offerings of preventative treatments
  • Educational web content
609 W Clarence St, Dodgeville, WI 608-341-9930 pestdetectivedodgeville.net
AAA Pest Control Logo

AAA Pest Control

Based on 44 customer reviews.

Services Offered

General Pest ControlCockroachesMiceSilverfishBeetlesTermitesAntsSpidersBeesFleasWasps


  • Transparent pricing
  • Consistently high customer service reviews
1716 Hollywood Blvd Ne, Cedar Rapids, IA 319-365-3257 aaapestcontrol.net
Quality Pest Control, Inc Logo

Quality Pest Control

Based on 34 customer reviews.

Services Offered

BeetlesFleasMosquitosWaspsBeesTermitesMiceAntsSpidersCockroachesGeneral Pest Control


  • Helpful homeowner content on its website
  • No-cost inspections
  • Lack of hidden fees
1515 Blairs Ferry Rd Ne Suite A, Marion, IA 319-373-1929 qualitypestcontrolinc.com

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Facts about Dubuque
Average Max Temp:56°F
Average Min Temp:39°F
Average Daily Sunlight:52%
Average Annual Snowfall:39.0"
Average Monthly Precipitation:2.96"
Average Monthly Pest Visit:$227

Expert Tips By

This Old House empowers homeowners with the knowledge and tools they need to tackle various projects and navigate the complexities of homeownership.

How To Choose a Pest Control Company

Hiring the best company for you is the most important step in the pest control process. Some things you may consider include licensing and qualifications, treatment methods, years of experience, customer reviews, and cost.

Below, we discuss each of these factors in more detail.

  • Does the company have a valid license and permits to perform pest control?

    Per the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), all pesticide applicators and those that supervise them need to be licensed at the state level. The EPA sets minimum standards of competency, and the Iowa regulatory agencies take care of the granting, maintaining, and revoking of licenses.

  • Is the company a member of any professional organizations?

    A pest control company can obtain optional certifications from QualityPro or similar trade organizations to back up its methods and standards. One particular certification is the GreenPro Service Certification, which is given when a company can demonstrate that its methods are more environmentally friendly. A company that receives this certification also needs to maintain certain employee training standards.

    Pest control companies can also hold membership in various professional organizations. Companies can obtain membership in the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), or state-level organizations. NPMA membership gives companies access to education, resources, and a network of other pest professionals. While not required, membership in professional organizations helps demonstrate a company's reputability.

Professional Experience and Specialties

How long a company has been in business can give you some insight into its experience dealing with various pests. Online reviews or the company's own website can also inform you whether it has the experience needed to handle your specific pest problem. If you cannot find the answers to your questions online, calling a representative is a great way to learn about the company's areas of expertise.

  • Reviews and Recommendations

    You can look at a company's reviews and rating on the Better Business Bureau (BBB), explore social media and local review sites to see what homeowners near you think, or verify its license standing through the Iowa licensing board.

  • Cost of Services and Guarantees

    Cost is an important consideration when choosing a pest control company. Cost may be determined by your location, the type of pest being treated, the size of your house, and other factors.

    A pest control company may offer a free on-site estimate to help you determine if it fits into your budget. You can also look at whether it offers a guarantee of satisfaction.

Safety and Treatment Methods

Your choice of pest control provider might be influenced by how eco-friendly a company's practicesare, in addition to how safe its methods are around your family and pets.

  • Safety

    Your pest technician should be using pesticides that are low toxicity or non-toxic whenever possible. If they plan to use pesticides that don't fall into one of these categories, your technician should explain what safety precautions they will put in place to protect your family, your pets, and you. Any pesticides that pose more than a minimum risk need to be registered with the EPA.

  • Treatment Methods

    It is now common for companies to begin with more environmentally friendly treatment methods before employing pesticides, following a technique called Integrated Pest Management (IPM). When using IPM, the following steps are taken:

    1. Identify the source of the pest problem and determine whether immediate action is needed.
    2. Decide on the safest course of action.
    3. Use a combination of physical, biological, mechanical, and cultural controls to manage the pest problem.
    4. Employ chemical controls only if needed, and always along with other methods for effective long-term pest management.
    5. Assess the outcome and provide additional pest control as needed.

Common Household Pests in Dubuque

Some specific pests are more common in Dubuque, and these are the ones to keep an eye out for. Some of these include the following:

  • Bees: Having bees around your house can be a nuisance, particularly if someone in your household is allergic. Your pest control technician can help eliminate bees; some might even have the resources to safely relocate hives.
  • Bed bugs: Bed bugs may be found throughout Iowa, and they can lead to serious problems if left untreated. Because infestations of bed bugs are often difficult to get rid of, we recommend having professional extermination as soon as you discover the problem. Bed bugs can infest bedsheets, furniture, wallpaper, and more.
  • Mice: If there are mice in your home, you might notice droppings around your house, or things like chewed wires. If your home has mice, they may be found in attics or in places where food is kept.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Pest Control in Dubuque

What causes pest infestations?

Pest infestations occur when pests come into your house looking for something, generally food, water, or shelter. Pests might be looking to eat food or trash that is left out. Some may also be drawn by standing water collecting outside (from rain collecting in a particular area) or inside (from leaky pipes). They may also enter your house looking for shelter. They can get in through weak spots such as broken screens or foundation cracks.

What are some things I can do to prevent pest infestations?

There are a number of things you can do to help prevent pest infestations. First, avoid leaving food out. Make sure food is stored in sealed containers, and avoid leaving trash sitting around.

Second, avoid having standing water in or around your house. Repair leaks inside and eliminate standing water sites outdoors. Finally, seal off any possible pest entrances into your home, including foundation and siding cracks.

How do I know when to hire an exterminator?

You should consider hiring a pest control professional any time you identify signs of pest activity in your Dubuque home. This could include nests, droppings, damage caused by pests, or even the pests themselves. If your home has recurrent or seasonal pest infestations, we recommend setting up annual preventive pest management.

Can I clean after pest control services?

We recommend checking in with your pest control technician while they are at your house, as the answer will vary depending on what treatments are done. After pesticide application, you may notice a lingering smell that will dissipate over time.

Generally, dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down certain surfaces will be appropriate after pest control. However, make sure that you don't wipe away chemical barriers, and avoid touching any traps unless explicitly told to do so. After the pests are taken care of, continue to keep your home clean. Don't let garbage pile up, take care of spills and leaks promptly, and so on. This will help discourage pests from returning.

To share feedback or ask a question about this article, send a note to our Reviews Team at reviewsteam@thisoldhousereviews.com.
