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Best 3 Solar Companies in Idaho Falls, ID

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Written By Max Peterson|Last Updated: April 18, 2024

Idaho Falls homeowners are privileged to live in abundant sunlight, both to bask in and harness as energy. Many are hiring top solar companies to get panels on their roofs. Local homeowners might choose solar to break free of high power costs from sources like hydro. A skilled solar company can help you set up and tune a system that meets your energy needs without being too expensive. In this article, we'll showcase Idaho Falls' best solar providers and offer suggestions for your company choice, so you can find the ideal one for your household.

Best High-Efficiency System
  • Builds custom, high-efficiency solar systems suited to each home
  • Extensive coverage area throughout the country
  • Offers energy storage and EV charger add-ons
Most Reputable
  • Offers high-efficiency panels and storage options
  • Provides unique in-house financing options
  • Recognized as one of the most reputable solar companies

Top Idaho Falls Solar Companies

Arco Electric - Idaho Falls Electricians Logo

Arco Electric - Idaho Falls Electricians

Based on 24 customer reviews.

Services Offered

Skilled RepairsBattery StoragePanel Installation


  • Free quotes
  • Informative resources
  • Reliable customer support
625 W 25th St, Idaho Falls, ID 208-522-2185 arcoelectric-idaho.com
Big Dog Solar Energy Logo

Big Dog Solar Energy

Based on 302 customer reviews.

Services Offered

Permit AssistancePanel InstallationConsultation


  • Reliable customer support
  • Free quotes
  • Informative resources
620 Pheasant Ridge Dr, Chubbuck, ID 208-242-3455 bigdogsolar.com

Ranking Methodology

Our team focuses on the following criteria to determine the best Idaho Falls solar companies.

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Facts about Idaho Falls
Average Max Temp:52°F
Solar Payback Period:12.1 years
Average Daily Sunlight:58%
Homes Powered by Solar:2,884
Average Annual Energy Bill:$1,143
Solar Power per Capita Percentile:48.0%

Expert Tips By

This Old House empowers homeowners with the knowledge and tools they need to tackle various projects and navigate the complexities of homeownership.

Benefits of Solar Energy

Solar energy provides multiple perks. Let's look at a few of them.

  • Lowered energy bills: With solar panels, you create power without paying the tacked-on costs of grid-connected power. You can eliminate your bills completely if you go off-grid. Plus, a significant number of states offer net metering, which permit you to earn money by selling your unused energy back to the grid.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: The sun is one of the universe's most abundant clean energy sources, meaning you can minimize or conquer your home's dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Better energy independence: Adding a solar battery storage system lets you have reliable energy during grid outages and storms.

What Solar Incentives Are Available to Idaho Falls Homeowners?

Idaho homeowners who choose solar could qualify for reimbursements, tax credits, rebates and special financing. Here are just a few of the area's incentive programs.

Incentive Type: Loan Program

Website: oemr.idaho.gov

Incentive Amount:

Residential: $15,000
All others: $100,000

Incentive Type: Rebate Program

Website: idahofallsidaho.gov

Incentive Amount:

Air Source Heat Pump Conversion: Contact IFP
Air Source Heat Pump Conversion with Duct Sealing: contact IFP
Ground Source Heat Pump: $2,700-$3,150
Ductless Heat Pump: $720
Water Heater: $270-$450
Insulation (Attic, Floor, Wall): Varies, see program website for details
Windows: Varies, see program website for details

Incentive Type: Personal Tax Deduction

Incentive Amount:

40% in the first year; 20% per year for next three years

Incentive Type: Rebate Program

Website: wattsmarthomes.com

Incentive Amount:

Ductless Heat Pumps: Up to $1,700
Electronically Commutated Motors: Up to $100
Evaporative Coolers: Up to $200
Heat Pumps: up to $750
Ground Source Heat Pumps: up to $2,500
Rooftop Heat Tape Timer: up to $100
Room Air Conditioners: Up to $20
Smart Thermostats: $50
Whole House Ventilation Fans: up to $125
Manufactured Homes Duct Sealing: Free service available
Manufactured Homes Ductless Heat Pumps: Up to $1,300
Lighting: Special pricing at certain retailers
Heat Pump Water Heaters: up to $550
Insulation: Up to $0.10/sq.ft

Incentive Type: Loan Program

Website: idahofallsidaho.gov

Incentive Amount:

Heat Pumps: $7,500
Water Heater: $5,000
Insulation: $5,000
Windows: $5,000
Appliances: Contact IFP

Incentive Type: Personal Tax Credit

Website: ecowatch.com

Incentive Amount:

30% federal tax credit for systems placed in service after 12/31/2021 and before 01/01/2033. Good for: solar water heat, solar photovoltaics, biomass, geothermal heat pumps, wind (small), fuel cells using renewable fuels.

How To Choose the Best Solar Company in Idaho Falls

The purchase price and performance of solar panels often depend on the provider that mounted them. Make your choice based on the following crucial aspects.

Licensing and Training

Idaho's Division of Building Safety recently began issuing solar photovoltaic contracting licenses. If you're installing a solar thermal system, your installer must be a licensed plumbing contractor. Look for private accreditations from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), among the solar industry's most credible trade groups. Its program includes certifications for both solar photovoltaic and water heating installers.

Cost of Solar Panels in Idaho Falls

The type of solar panels you choose decides how much electricity you can produce. Monocrystalline panels and high-quality and cost more but give you the best performance. Polycrystalline panels produce less power, but they're worth it if you want a traditional panel style without the high cost. Thin-film panels aren't the best for large residential installations, but they are excellent accessories for non-traditional roofs.

Additional accessories, such as electric vehicle (EV) chargers and battery storage, will increase your overall installation costs. However, they might make your solar system more efficient and convenient to use. Not every solar contractor provides these additional features, so look for a company that sells them if it's a priority for you.

Most Idaho Falls homeowners choose solar systems designed for five kilowatts (kW) of electrical capacity. These systems run about $17,300 to set up, considering both materials and labor. You can find more specific solar cost information in the table.

Solar Panel CostAverage Cost
Solar Monocrystalline$1,109
Solar Polycrystalline$865
Solar Battery$709
Solar Home EV Charger$2,661

Financing Solar Energy in Idaho Falls

Choosing the optimal financing solution will influence your overall solar system cost and expected savings. Common payment options include loans, power purchase agreements, cash payments, and leases. Though it requires a large up-front payment, cash is the most cost-effective choice because it qualifies you for solar incentives and doesn't accrue interest. Solar loans are the second most effective option. As with a home or auto loan, you'll pay a monthly rate towards system ownership, including interest. You can still apply for money-saving solar incentives, and depending on your lender, you could put as little as $0 down. Solar leases involve paying a set monthly rate to use rooftop panels. A PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) permits you to pay a monthly rate determined by the energy you use, similar to an electric bill. We typically don’t recommend these two options because you won't own the solar system and are disqualified from using solar incentives. Ask each installer you're vetting about the payment options it offers. A team member can help you determine the most suitable option for your financial situation.

The table below lists the average payback periods for different capacities of solar systems in Idaho Falls.

The IRS allows you to claim a 26% federal tax credit for solar panels on your new solar panels, so long as you purchase it before 2032. Municipal authorities and utilities might also offer their own financing programs, rebates, and incentives that could save you more money.

Solar System CapacityEstimated Payback period
1 kW2.4 years
2 kW4.9 years
5 kW12.1 years
10 kW24.3 years

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Frequently Asked Questions About Solar in Idaho Falls

How much energy and money could I save per year by switching to solar?

Most Idaho Falls homeowners spend about $1,143 on energy each year. Your costs could drop by $780.67 for each kilowatt you generate after you pay off a solar array.

How widespread is solar energy in Idaho Falls?

Yes, solar energy is spreading quickly in Idaho Falls. Some homes already generate solar power on-site or through utility grids, and they're fortified by a state solar economy with 512 workers and counting.

Should I anticipate a boost in my property value after installing solar panels?

Yes, new solar systems translate to higher property values according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL.) Homeowners could project a $20 property value increase for each dollar they save on energy. Therefore, $600 in energy savings could boost your property value by $12,000.

Could I still use solar power if I live in a dark, rainy, or wooded area?

A solar setup could still operate in dark areas. Your installer will orient your panels to capture the most sunlight possible. They might also recommend a back-up power source to keep your system working at its best.

What can I do to predict my home's solar potential?

To determine your home's solar readiness, there's no substitute for a comprehensive estimate from a local solar provider. However, you can use the PVWatts tool for a simple solar viability estimate based on public data, including tree cover, local weather and topography, panel efficiency, and system size.

What is the average payback period for Idaho Falls solar panels?

The average payback period for a solar loan in Idaho Falls is 15.5 years. By paying off extra principal each month, you can shorten the payback period and own your system faster.

What is "net metering," and how does it work?

Net metering is a system that credits solar homeowners for any excess electricity they generate and send back to the grid.

Some states or energy providers require you to enroll in net metering when installing your solar system, while others give you a choice. Either way, once you participate, you'll earn a bill credit or check for your excess generation at a retail or wholesale rate.

What's the difference between a PPA and a solar lease?

Choosing a leasing option means your solar provider will handle panel maintenance while you make fixed monthly payments. Power Purchase Agreements differ slightly because you only pay for the electricity you produce.

You don't own the panels with either option, though you can choose to opt out of the contract for a fee.

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